Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking. (Helen Rice)

Dear Mom, Today I dedicate my blog to you. Many times in my life I gradually strayed off the straight and narrow path. Instead of letting me fall to the wayside you laced up your boots and traveled the murky swampland with me. You have tried to throw up a few flares to warn me. But you have never put up a road block to stop me. You allowed me to make mistakes and assisted me in learning from them. When talking with you I feel like there's nothing that I can say that would ever make you love me less. That's a wonderful feeling to have. To know that there is someone out there in the world that you can talk to and will honestly share their feelings out of love and concern.  With you there are no ulterior motives.
Mom you have played a big role in shaping me into the woman that I am today. I pray that as a mother you never doubt the job you have done raising me. I love you and appreciate you more than you will ever know.

“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one” Jill Churchill

Affectionately yours, 

Beautifully Flawed

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dust off that Attitidue

For today and its blessings, I owe the world an attitude of gratitude. (Unknown)

It's time to dust off your attitude and replace it with some positive thoughts and ideas. From this day forward try to be more of a giver than a receiver. Try and share as much love, help, concern, and gratitude as possible. Try it out today and see how your perspective changes. Everyday that we open our eyes and take a breath is a blessing. Let's take the time to appreciate the everyday "small" blessings.

As you go about your day what are you grateful for?

Affectionately yours, 

Beautifully Flawed

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Clean up Aisle Six

But like of each thing that in season grows. (William Shakespeare)

This weekend while cleaning my home I started to think that perhaps I should do the same thing in regards to my mind. Just like my home my mind has become cluttered with old ideas, attitudes, conversations and hurts.  So many people take time during the spring to clean their homes. But what about our lives?  I thought it was about time I threw out some of the dusty moldy items I had been holding unto for dear life over the past few years. Goodbye bad habits and neglect. I'm making a daily effort to live a simple lifestyle.  I've already started the groundwork. I put up my for sale sign for items that no longer work for me. By doing this I've been exposed to new and exciting opportunities and challenges. 

What have you decided to shed this season?

Affectionately yours, 

Beautifully Flawed

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bad, Bad Blogger

Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.” (Proverb)

First let me start of by saying "I'm sorry" (puppy dog face). I apologize for being such a bad blogger. Life became rather hectic in April. A few opportunities came knocking on my door. Instead of just peeking through the peep hole, I took a risk and opened the door.  Don't fret bloggers and bloggettes, you will not be left behind as I embark on this new journey.  So get your passports ready. Even though I was out of sight my blog was heavily on my mind. People I have encountered and my thoughts about this new adventure have inspired me to write. But unfortunately I never had the energy to sit down and put my thoughts into words.  I feel like my life was on pause and someone just hit the play button. I'm really looking forward to the future and can't wait to share it with you. I'm still ironing out all the details but once things become official I will dish all the dirt. I missed you terribly and I hope you were feeling the same way. 

Affectionately yours, 

Beautifully Flawed

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 23 — The Last Person you Kissed

Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases (Chinese Proverbs)

I often find myself staring at your mouth.  I want to apologize if it makes you feel uncomfortable.  My parents raised me not to stare but I can’t stop sneaking peeks.  Most times I’m gazing out of curiosity. Wondering what your mouth will do next.  I’m fascinated by the smirk that appears right before you share a sarcastic remark.  I get tiny butterflies when they slightly grace my ear lobe when whispering in my ear. They make it hard to concentrate on the message you are trying to pass along.  Your lips can be so comforting when you use them to lightly kiss my forehead before going away.  The room begins to spin when you press your lips against mine.  I find myself pulling away to catch my breath, but going back in for more.  There are times when you call me on the phone and all I can think about are your lips. Wondering when they will touch mine again.  

Affectionately yours, 

Beautifully Flawed

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 22 — Someone you Want to Give a Second Chance To

“All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.” (Mae West)

I was prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt, but once again you failed. I want to say "Thank You" for being a douche.  While searching for my inspiration you stepped up to the plate. You showed me that I can't depend on you.  Albert Einstein once said that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If I use that definition to govern our situation I realize that we are both totally insane. In fact I'm probably nuttier than you.  I'm all for second chances but at some point a person must pay attention to the huge beware sign. All I can do is shake my head as I type this because even though I know I shouldn't give you this "second" chance I'm putting on my boots to meet you. I guess I'm not ready to check into the psychiatric ward just yet. 
(Photo by:

How do you decide that there is no room for second chances?

Affectionately yours, 

Beautifully Flawed

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 21 — Someone you Judged by their First Impression

"Don't Judge a Book by its Cover" (UnKnown)

I love to hear people say that they aren't the type to judge a person upon first encounter. But let's be honest folks: Fish swim, birds fly, people judge. It's ingrained in us. You pass a person sporting an afro you might think they: A. write poetry or B. militant. You stumble across a fashion blog you might think the individual is vain or a wanna be model.  It's in us to label individuals and judge off of first encounters. But hopefully you have evolved enough to move past that first glance and try to learn about the individual. The old adage "Don't judge a book by its cover" is true. We shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something, by its outward appearance alone. We should always try to go into every situation with an open mind and no preconceived notions. 

Have you ever almost missed out on an opportunity because you were hung up on the cover?

Affectionately yours,
Beautifully Flawed